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Beyond bucks: Ways to make a difference

Kyle Wilke

Updated: Feb 12, 2019

Besides giving money there are a lot of ways you can still make a difference. As money is an essential thing to making positive changes it can only take us so far. Time is the best Currency to making a difference. Donating your time to volunteering impacts some many lives and communities. We live in a world where not everyone gives of their time freely. However thanks to the millions of people who do, positive change is happening all around us. See no money needed, just time.

Also a great way to make a difference is spreading awareness. No matter where you are, what you do, or even where you come from you can spread awareness. You see we are all tied into multiple social media platforms. Essentially if used right that is free advertising and can reach billions of people around the globe. With this kind of reach everyone has the power at their fingertips to make a difference.

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