Collaborative & Innovative
Second Chance - The faces Behind Homelessness
This upcoming documentary is designed to capture the stories of those living homeless in our community and also the stories of those who have made it off of the streets and to bring those two sides together to give hope to those still living homeless as well as give a better understanding to the community to lift the stigmas surrounding this issue. ultimately raising awareness.
Sitting Down With Our Elected Officials
We have already sat down with Senator Tammy Baldwins Office and plan on meeting with many more state and local elected officials. In doing this we want to take the concerns, problems needing to be addressed such as Gentrification and other issues related to homelessness and poverty to gain support and funding to help those most in need.

Clothing Drive & Homeless Awareness Dinner
We are continuing to receive clothing donations from community members to aide those living homeless and maybe looking to land that first job. We all deserve to look good and feel good no matter what our situation. We are also working on putting together a dinner for our homeless and non homeless community members to come together to learn more about homelessness from those who know best to help eliminate the stigmas. We also just want to celebrate them and make them the center of the night to restore hope!